Why Divorce is a FAILURE?
The perception of divorce in the United States has indeed changed over the years, and there are several reasons why many Americans no longer see divorce as a failure.
Some of them are: Changing Social Norms, Individualism, Legal Reforms, Rising Independence of Women, Counseling and Support Services, Media Influence, Educational Attainment, Changing Views on Marriage.
I am not for divorce or against divorce. But I want to point out that divorce is a failure. Divorce is a failure in the sense that one’s marriage vows have been broken and the marriage has disintegrated or been destroyed by one or both parties.
Certainly, your marriage counselor and psychologist will likely provide reassurance by emphasizing that divorce is not necessarily a mark of failure. There’s a need to comfort you.
It is not the norm for people to marry with the anticipation of divorce looming on the horizon. The majority of individuals enter into marriage with the sincere intention of building a lifelong partnership, aiming to cherish one another until the natural end of their days.
The objective is to foster a relationship of enduring happiness, mutual respect, and fulfillment.
However, if the passage of time reveals that the marital bond has deteriorated into a state of persistent animosity and unhappiness, enduring such a situation until death can also be regarded as a failure.
A successful marriage is one where both partners find genuine contentment and emotional fulfillment, rather than merely coexisting in a relationship tainted by hostility and resentment.
In such cases, divorce might be viewed as a courageous and pragmatic choice, allowing both individuals the opportunity to pursue a more fulfilling and harmonious life apart from each other.
What would you call an unsuccessful marriage? A success or a failure?
Disclosing the count of divorces you’ve experienced is not an aspect you’d prefer to include on your identification card or resume.
A society with a high divorce rate is a sign of a loose or failing society and not a progressive society.